The Frozen Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Flares up again

Nagorno Karabakh is one of the frozen conflicts in Eurasia for over a quarter century. However, on September 27 the two contenders and neighbours Azerbaijan and Armenia fired up the conflict yet again resulting in hundreds of casualties and attacks o....

West Asia Roundup September 2020

Jordan was the last Arab country in 1994 to have normalised relations with Israel. Even though over the years Israel has tried to informally engage with the Arabs especially GCC countries the formalisation of relations w....

Geopolitics of Trans–Caspian Gas Pipeline

Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (TCGP) is designed to export natural gas from resource-rich Turkmenistan and to a certain amount from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan by putting an underwater pipeline in the Caspian seabed. From Baku, Aze....

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